*Join us for in-person liturgies. Recorded Mass is found under Worship*
*Join us for in-person liturgies. Recorded Mass is found under Worship*
If you are thinking about joining the Catholic Church, you are Catholic but not confirmed, or you just want to know more about Catholicism, we'd like to hear from you. RCIA, preparation for infant baptism, and preparation for marriage are coordinated by staff members. Parishioners are heavily involved in the implementation of these programs.
Baptism classes are held twice each year. Attendance is required. Communal celebration is preferred—private may be discussed with the pastor.
Children who wish to enter into sacramental preparation for Reconciliation and First Eucharist are asked to attend classes during 9:30am Mass on two Sundays a month from October to April. We typically begin sacramental preparation for Reconciliation and First Eucharist during the child’s second grade year, but can make arrangements to accommodate older children. In addition to regularly scheduled classes, our preparation programs involve retreat experiences and possible additional classes so the children are able to cover the necessary material.
The Sacrament of Confirmation and a program of preparation are currently offered every other year to youth candidates in 8th-9th grades. The candidates are asked to choose a sponsor to help with the formation process leading up to Confirmation and these sponsors are encouraged to attend select preparation activities with the candidates and engage in meaningful dialog about the process.
Our preparation program includes a Rite of Enrollment, retreats, a service project opportunity, and a Rite of Sending ceremony prior to Confirmation in addition to regularly scheduled classes. The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis schedules the sacrament on our behalf at the Cathedral in St. Paul or the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis.
Upcoming Confirmation preparation years:
Six months notice is required prior to your wedding date in order to prepare with our Pastoral Minister. Three months active parish membership is necessary prior to initiating marriage preparation.
If you or someone you know is home bound or hospitalized and would like a pastoral visit, whether it’s bringing communion, anointing of the sick, or a BeFriender visit, please contact us.
In order to register or find out more about the sacraments at St. Cecilia please contact our Parish Office.