*Join us for in-person liturgies. Recorded Mass is found under Worship*
*Join us for in-person liturgies. Recorded Mass is found under Worship*
This committee oversees the finances of the parish. This includes annual budgeting, review of monthly and annual income and expenses, decisions about investments and other matters that have a financial impact on the parish. This group meets 10 to 11 times per year and is made up of parishioners that have some expertise in financial matters. Currently there are about 7 members on the team, including the two trustees.
The parish attempts to be transparent with the contributions you provide to operate the parish. We publish, at least quarterly, our income and expense reports for all to see. The expense side is driven by payroll expense, which is about two thirds of our budget, followed by recurring expenses like utilities, bank debt, archdiocesan assessment, building costs and program costs for liturgy, faith formation and spiritual and pastoral care. We also provide 3% of our annual income to charities and provide dinners for the Dorothy Day Center of Catholic Charities six times a year.
Income is primarily provided by weekly envelope and plate contributions. Additionally we do have a couple of fundraisers including the Annual Parish Dinner and our Oktoberfest. A number of parishioners have elected to take advantage of ACH withdrawals and the new PayPal option. The parish needs about $400,000 in contributions to maintain a balanced budget.
The Church of St. Cecilia encourages its parishioners to take advantage of the option to debit their checking or saving accounts each month for their regular contribution to the operating budget of the church. An additional contribution can be likewise made to the building fund by direct deposit. To accomplish this, please complete the Direct Deposit Forms and return to the Parish Office at 2357 Bayless Place, St. Paul, MN 55114.
Most banking institutions have a process by which you can authorize them to issue a check to St. Cecilia or in some cases an electronic funds transfer to St. Cecilia's operating account. You should make contact with your bank if you wish to do this. You can contact Linda Whiteneck at 651.644.4502 to obtain the bank routing number and account number for the appropriate St. Cecilia account to do the electronic funds transfer.
We welcome gifts of stock. St. Cecilia has an account with Fidelity Brokerage Services to accept your stock gift transfer electronically. To make a gift of stock please call our parish office for assistance. St. Cecilia’s will acknowledge reception of the gift by letter, but we are not able/allowed to determine or assign a cash value to the donor’s gift. Our broker will assist in determining the approximate market value of the gift for the donor’s records at the time that the stock is actually exchanged.
You don't need to be wealthy to include the Church of St. Cecilia in your plans for your estate. One option is to list the parish as the beneficiary of a percentage or specific dollar amount of your retirement plan, IRA, or life insurance policy. Another option is to remember the parish through a gift in your will or revocable trust. Individuals with more substantial means might consider establishing a charitable trust or annuity. Talk with your estate planning attorney to determine the best option for you and your family. Provide your attorney with the following information:
The Church of St. Cecilia is a not-for-profit corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota with its primary office located at 2357 Bayless Place, St. Paul, MN 55114.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.