*Join us for in-person liturgies. Recorded Mass is found under Worship*
*Join us for in-person liturgies. Recorded Mass is found under Worship*
Many parishioners share generous time and talent to support our worship at St. Cecilia's. Members of our parish staff and other community leaders provide training and on-going support and formation for all who are involved.
Parish staff and parishioners meet regularly throughout the year to organize and plan our liturgies, study the foundations of our liturgical tradition, and review and set policies that guide our worship life.
Lectors share their gifts to proclaim the Word of God at our weekend celebrations and other prayer gatherings. This important ministry guides us as we encounter the stories and wisdom of our faith.
Eucharistic Ministers not only assist in the communal sharing of the sacred bread and wine at Mass, but many also extend the life of our community as they bring the Eucharist to those in our community who are sick or home bound.
Sacristans have a vital role in assuring that the “behind the scene” details are in place for the liturgy to unfold smoothly. They assist in many ways such as coordinating the various liturgical processions and collections, and they help to set up and clean up before and after the actual liturgical celebration.
This Ministry is open to youth and adults, male and female alike. They lead processions with cross and candle, or assist with the liturgical books and altar vessels used by the Presider or other ministers.
This is a subcommittee under the direction of the liturgy committee, and their charge is to help create a visual environment for our community to pray. Through their creative work they help provide an atmosphere that reflects and gives unity and attention to the celebration of the various liturgical seasons and to our prayer together.
If you are interested in any of the ministries above please contact us and a staff member will be in touch.