*Join us for in-person liturgies. Recorded Mass is found under Worship*
*Join us for in-person liturgies. Recorded Mass is found under Worship*
Saint Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Music. We are blessed to have many people who share their gifts of time and talent with St. Cecilia's. You are welcome to explore any of the opportunities listed below.
Our Adult Choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings and leads the singing at most of the 9:30 Masses. Their singing also adds solemnity to other special celebrations September - May. Our Cantors encourage and lead the sung prayer at all of the Masses and Instrumentalists add spirit to liturgies by playing a variety of instruments throughout the year. Rehearsals are led by our Director of Liturgical Music, Betsy Sullivan. Other opportunities include occasionally singing/playing at the Wednesday night Faith Formation gatherings and participating in our seasonal Evening Prayers. Some music ministries require an audition. When sufficient numbers allow, a Youth Choir may take shape to assist at special liturgical events. For more information about our parish music ministry, contact Betsy at (651.644.4502, ext 15) or by email on our Contact Us page.